Okay....So what can I say...I am not a good blogger. I just feel like I don't have the time and then when I do have the time...well...it's not always in my top 5 things to do. Sometimes I just want to sit still and do nothing. Oh, well...just a thought! I really don't have a lot going on other than Kel and Kal dancing and Kal playing t-ball. Kat is not doing anything right now. She and Kel just got through playing b-ball. The girls are taking SAT/ARMT this week and then next week we will have Spring Break! Yea!!!!!!!!!!! Sleeping late, staying up late, and sitting by the pool (weather permitting and husband permitting). Blake wants to plant a garden and he wants to do that next week. Sounds like fun...maybe some family time. I am just talking... I thought about letting my blog go, but my husband said "NO, I like reading the blog. When are you going to post again?" So this post is for you Blake for whatever it is worth. I love you Blake, hope you have a good night at work! For the rest of you good night and may God richly bless your life.